Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Effective swearing

The surprise is coming soon.

I have to say, I have quite a lot of appreciation for Obama's "I am not a douchebag" campaign
Though I also have to say that people seem to have mixed feelings about choosing Biden as a running mate
Because Biden....might actually add some douchebaggery to the mix
Already I'm seeing ads from the McCain campaign denigrating Barack Obama
Why can't elections be races where each candidate tries to do the best he can and not shit on the other guy?
People are saying that Biden might show aggression toward McCain when Obama's lack of aggression might be a major thing that is pushing him forward
If you've been following Philip DeFranco's show...
you know, SXE Phil?
you might have noticed that for some reason the latest video, which includes the question about when two girls kiss, has disappeared
I managed to find it but I've found that it has been made private
I don't know what happened, maybe he got a lot of shitty feedback from it
It's possible, I guess, but hey I really liked it- that was a good question because I find it questionable myself
I don't really appeal to girls who are so big of attention whores that they would be willing to do that
If they were lesbians, I would understand it....or pornstars...or real-life women who wanted to achieve the same effect that pornstars do...I think the technical term for that is SLUTS
I'd just like to say that phil's show is the bomb; if you haven't seen it, do so because he reports the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And that's the truth. truth, truth..
The stories are interesting, and he's not afraid to put it into a real context
It seems to me that more people are turning to sources like Phil, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert because it's MORE ENTERTAINING and it's NOT JAM-PACKED WITH BULLSHIT
Well, it is jam packed with bullshit but it's the RIGHT KIND OF BULLSHIT
it's the kind of bullshit that knows it's bullshit, and that's a compliment all-around because they make jokes about it and talk about the ridiculous stuff as IF it is actually ridiculous
They know what's fucked up about the world and they report it in a manner such that everyone knows it's fucked up.
Mainstream media tends not to report the fucked-up stuff
But America needs to know the good AND the bad about the world
Censorship is, might I say, TOTAL SHIT
Well I mean I don't support 4-year olds yelling FUCK everywhere
Then again, I don't support 12-year olds doing it either
And BELIEVE me the kids who just start middle school are ALWAYS saying cuss words just so they can assert the fact
They will yell "Dildo dildo" just as a two year old might yell "cookie cookie" now that it learned a new word, and I am not making this up it REALLY HAPPENS
It's OKAY to swear in the right situations.
If you are pissed, frustrated, or in pain then SWEAR, goddamnit! It's pissing ME off to see all the people who will just say things like "ohhhh, poopy."
Because it SEEMS that nothing bad ever happens to these people
Either that or they have no emotions
That is your fact of like #7- It's okay to swear in the right situations
And there are guidelines for these situations
1. It has to be an informal situation. You don't yell fuck if you're in a job interview
2. If you are a guy, you can do it when you talk to other guys...unless they are pansies but if you are talking to a girl, it's not a good idea. If you are a girl, you either think I'm a douche for even TALKING about this and you might as well stop watching this NOW or you're one of those girls who doesn't care and I personally think is awesome, and you can follow the guy directions. When you're talking to the softer people, though, don't swear unless your emotions are in a crappy state, unless you are talking to someone with such a low level of sophistication that he had might as well ride a Harley-Davidson
Did I say that out loud?
3. Don't do it all the time. Cuss words draw attention to the subject of which you are speaking, and there won't be any added severity if you use one of the words in every sentence. It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf....or the Boy who Yelled Fuck all the Time. The truth is that swear words are used to draw attention to whatever struggle or problem you're having that would lead you to swear in the first place...and if you're always drawing attention then people won't give you anymore attention AND they won't care.
I mean think about it.
If your friend has NEVER heard you swear, and then something REALLY bad happens and you yell "SHIT" that would scare the shit out of that person!
I like to be like that, but not to that much of an extreme. There's no shock to swearing if you do it all the time.

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