Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random thoughts!

125th post. That's 5^3 or 1/8th of 1000.

I think there should be a tag for guys to wear so that women can differentiate the men who want to get to know a girl for who she is and those who are just horny.

I'm trying to do homework, listen to music, and dream about things. Like going on an epic road trip to meet all the people I know on the internet, in real life.

When all else fails...draw a free-body diagram.

I want to start a business of coffeehouses where people come to show their talents, not just open-mic. There are more awesome things people can do than sing, play guitar, and try to do stand-up comedy. There are things like juggling, making movies, drawing eh? I think I'm going to call it "Full of Beans" Coffeehouse. It's important for people to learn the diversity of people's thoughts, interests, and individualities. And we can learn the things that make people who they are.

If I share a thought that appears to you as being deep, I'm not just sharing the thought for the sake of being deep. I'm saying it because I feel it's an important thing to say.

You really gain an appreciation for music and the effort behind creating it when you try playing it on the piano, even if the music wasn't piano music in the first place.

Disposable cups: The icon of college life in America.

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