Saturday, February 21, 2009

My God, Jason Mraz gets me going.
Make it Mine is one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard.
Dynamo of Volition is awesome too.
It's inspirational not just through the sound, but through the lyrics. His lyrics actually make sense, unlike a lot of the bullshit that goes around these days.

I owe Dave. He came up and helped me get through my CS machine problem. I've never programmed anything ever in my life before today. I'm going to get 100% (A+!) on it. How do I know? They actually provide the students with a checker that goes through, runs the program (4 times actually), and tells you what grade you're going to get. I kept revising it until I got to 100%. I don't think I would have gotten through it if it weren't for Dave pretty much walking me through it.

My next project for piano is figuring out the chords to Dynamo of Volition. It's titillating.

After the CS was done, I chilled with Bill, Mike, and Ryan. But before we started hanging out, Steve passed by. He was on his way to see his friends across the campus. We had a short talk out in the hallway. I was sitting against the wall against my big, fat, blue pillow with little arms on the side, drawing maps on my 11x17 drawing pad again. He requested a "commission" (as he called it) of a map of Orland Park, his home town. I agreed somewhat enthusiastically (at least in that direction). He said that if I wanted something photoshopped, he would do it for me. Steve's a good guy.

Steve and Dave both pretty much made my day today.

Bill and Mike are cool too, though Bill burst out laughing when he was drinking something, spraying me with drinkables. It was a fun time though...I laughed.

But we thought the zombopacolypse was coming....It all started when Mike, Bill, Ryan and I went to the gas station to get some numnums...and by that I mean candy. Yeah. Badass right? Well, when we were walking to the gas station, we saw the other gas station across the street from the one we were going to (I will never understand business strategies in America) packed with cars blasting subwoofers and jumping around obnoxiously on the pavement. Wtf? You know, the crazy "gangsta" types. Wtf?*

Then, we walked back into Hendrick House. Bill and Mike noticed a red-haired girl to the right down the hallway as we walked in the door. In two seconds, they turned around and she was gone.* They were like HOLY SHIT. So we pressed the button to call the elevator to find that the down button was already lit up for no apparent reason.* ...We pressed the up button and went up the elevator. It stopped at the 9th floor and wouldn't go up.* So we got to the 10th floor finally...and ran into Sam and Amanda. We talked to them about the girl who disappeared, and while we were in the process, the door opens. The girl we were talking about comes out of the elevator with an RA from the other side of the building...and they proceed straight into the stairwell back down. Wtf?* This is a prophecy or some shit...I can feel it.

And now, it is 2AM. I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow's tasks: Physics HW and studying CS.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stop telling the people on youtube that they're hot and that you want to do them. It's not like these women dress like sluts, or as if they treat STD's like Pokemon.

(Gotta catch 'em all!)
Chem exam- Thurs
Physics prelab- Thurs
Math hw- Thurs
CS prelab- Fri
AAS reading- Mon
Physics HW- Tues

Monday, February 16, 2009

Since I was 12 years, old, I've always noticed that there are two different kinds of people in this world. I used to try to generalize them as Democrats and Republicans, or as liberals and conservatives, or as nerds and boring people. But I haven't been able to pinpoint just what the difference was until today.

It all started in my Asian American Studies class today when we were asked about what we take from out childhood experiences and how that shapes how we live out lives and look at the world. I get it today.

When we are born, we start off with a blank slate when it comes to social behaviors, actions, and tendencies. We don't know how people act. We don't know why they do the things they do. Social norms, stereotypes, and conventions aren't something we know automatically-- they are learned. This includes notions of identity, race, and where you fit into society. By the time we are in middle school and high school, we have a set of ideas of what the world is like-- we have created a world-view. And from this set of things we learn springs a set of expectations of what the world is supposed to be like. This includes anything from why people turn door knobs certain ways, to why people travel in cars instead of walking, to racial stereotypes.

But for some people, there are things which challenge our world-view; there are times when we are urged or forced to ratify our ideology to correct a contradiction. For instance, there is a white 10-year-old boy who lives in rural Indiana and who has never made friends with an African American. A new black student comes to his elementary school and doesn't have anyone to play with, so he asks the white 10-year-old if he wants to play a game with him. He has never known a black person before-- this challenges his worldview about black people.

Another example-- I went to a high school with a high percentage of Asians, mostly Chinese and Korean. They were there primarily to become better scholars. But then I meet a girl who goes there and then she goes to parties at night. But I thought Asians were supposed to be studious! We have a contradiction. So what do I do-- do I refuse to believe her when she tells me how much wine she drank last night, to comply with my worldview?

The difference between the two types of people I mentioned before applies directly to this: One group would not know how to handle such a contradiction because they have little experience in doing so- the other group would be more experienced and able to ratify one's expectations of people in the world.

I call people who are more able to ratify their worldview socially acceptive, or socially adaptable, because they are more able to accept people's differences and more able to adapt to many different social situations.

Think about it. How socially acceptive are you-- how acceptive are you of other people who are different from you? Isn't it a good thing to be socially acceptive?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random thoughts!

125th post. That's 5^3 or 1/8th of 1000.

I think there should be a tag for guys to wear so that women can differentiate the men who want to get to know a girl for who she is and those who are just horny.

I'm trying to do homework, listen to music, and dream about things. Like going on an epic road trip to meet all the people I know on the internet, in real life.

When all else fails...draw a free-body diagram.

I want to start a business of coffeehouses where people come to show their talents, not just open-mic. There are more awesome things people can do than sing, play guitar, and try to do stand-up comedy. There are things like juggling, making movies, drawing eh? I think I'm going to call it "Full of Beans" Coffeehouse. It's important for people to learn the diversity of people's thoughts, interests, and individualities. And we can learn the things that make people who they are.

If I share a thought that appears to you as being deep, I'm not just sharing the thought for the sake of being deep. I'm saying it because I feel it's an important thing to say.

You really gain an appreciation for music and the effort behind creating it when you try playing it on the piano, even if the music wasn't piano music in the first place.

Disposable cups: The icon of college life in America.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It was really fucking warm on Tuesday and yesterday. 61 degrees in February! It stormed yesterday...but Mother Nature decided to do so when I was walking to CS lecture, which is a blow-off lecture anyway. I was soaked. As soon as I walked into the entrance to the building in which the lecture was held, it stopped. Thanks a lot.

Thanks goodness we don't live in Saudi Arabia. A woman was gang-raped, and then sentenced to jail for being gang-raped. Isn't that supposed to be the other way around? Wtf is it with Islamic law and fanaticism?

Second semester seems a lot busier than the first. I'm still adjusting to the new situation, and it's 3 weeks into the semester.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A collection of random thoughts for today

Preface: Today was the grammy awards!

1. LAZY SUNDAY, WAKE UP IN THE LATE AFTERNOON!...seriously, I woke up at 12:30 today, which makes for 12 hours of sleeping. Wtf, body?
2. Today, I chilled out in the hall with Bill and Ryan; then we went to CRCE to go swimming. The only problem was, my swim trunks mysteriously went missing. Actual dialogue:
Me- "I can't find my fucking swim trunks!"
Bill- "Wasn't this YOUR idea?"
Me- "Yeah-- that's what pisses me off!"
3. I wanted to do math homework today, but it's about material we NEVER FUCKING COVERED IN CLASS! What am I supposed to do?
4. I wasted my 56-degree Saturday doing physics homework. Fucking physics wastes all of my time. I attend 7 hours of class a week for that fucking course. Also FUCK!!!
5. The Grammys were today. How the hell does someone as mind-numbingly terrible as Li'l Wayne get multiple awards?
6. T.I., some rapper, was ...rapping... alongside Justin Timberlake's singing. Thanks for cramping his style, as well as my capacity to watch the Grammys anymore. Who the hell decides to make their rapper name a brand name of calculator?
7. What was with that guy from the Recording Academy talking about a Secretary of the Arts? And what the hell even is the Recording Academy? And wtf? Obama won grammys? Is this supposed to be some metaphor? Quit being a suck-up!
8. Apparently, there are record-breaking wildfires in Australia. Hmm. That's a world-suck.
9. Best rap album...That's like trying to choose among George Bush and John Kerry for President...or like looking for the strongest hamster to pull your Excursion out of a ditch.
10. I'm tired of losing all my socks. It's because of those damn elves. Keebler elves. Those cookies you've been eating are made out of socks. And young children's broken dreams. But mostly socks.
11. Oh yeah. Friday night, we played Apples to Apples on a set-up card the ELEVATOR!! It was hilarious. Look for the video on Facebook! Or the crappy version on Youtube.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fuck my life.
Today on the way to work, I got caught up by the train. Between the bus stop where I got off and the school, there are train tracks. So I watch the train pass in front of me, going at 5 to 10 miles per hour, as the wind chill is right around -10. Damnit. But then I see the caboose about to pass in front of me, the light at the end of the tunnel. (And yes, I don't know if this train came from a century ago and traveled through time, but it actually had a caboose.) But then, the train stops. The car next to the caboose is at the intersection of the street I'm walking along and the train tracks. And then, it starts going backwards. Seriously? I have to wait for the whole fucking train to pass by again? And I did. I was 7 minutes late to work.

If that wasn't enough, I walk along Neil St. waiting for my bus to come and take me home, after work. So it comes. And it passes right by me. Great. So I walked to Illinois Terminal- about 10 blocks away. In the subzero wind chills.

Finally, it's 11:25. I'm at the Terminal and I have a class at noon. It's not even a lecture that I can easily afford to miss, either. This is when I BOARD the bus back. I don't return to the dorm until 11:45, when I am to leave the dorm to get to my 12:00 class on time. But I didn't, because I needed to eat; this is thanks to my Tuesday schedule that runs until 5pm.

Thanks, guy who drives the 2 South Red bus. Thanks. A whole. Fucking. Lot.

In other news, I have a shitty-ass grade in math. Matrix Theory? Any math class with "theory" in it. Listen. I don't want to define mathematics. I'm comfortable with notions of addition, multiplication, matrices, and vectors. I BELIEVE you when you tell me that 2+2=4. I don't need to redefine it through complex proofs when it's a fucking SIMPLE CONCEPT TO GRASP IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I had fun teaching at least. The only bad part was having to look at one of the kindergartners' faces covered in crusty solidified snot. Nasty. The 2nd grade accelerated class is great. The kids actually want to learn and they help each other, too. They gave me a bunch of accelerated classes to contrast with the "ghetto" trashy kids I had last semester. I do miss the kindergarteners I had last semester...and I know they miss me, too.

Just because I swear doesn't make me a douchebag. I'm just saying what I feel, and sometimes what I feel requires emphasis to convey it effectively.

I need to eat dinner...and do homework for Physics and math.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What the fuck. February already? I'm still getting used to my schedule! Which BLOWS by the way. But that's just because I'm a Republican at heart- resistant to change. I'll get used to it. I hope. I start at 8:30 M-Thu and get out all of those days at 5pm except for Monday, when I get out at 4. Fridays are 9 to 3. Yippee-kai-fuckin'-ay.

I remembered how much I hated my local public high school. It wasn't the academic lack of opportunity that pissed me off. It was the people who had no initiative to have a purpose in life that pissed me off.

Super Bowl today. Who fucks a give. Arizona lost I guess. Makes sense. What do you expect from a state where, if you ran for 5 minutes, you'd die.

Shoutout to all y'alls who didn't give a rat's about the Super Bowl. Hooray for not living my life according to preconceived notions of manliness.
