Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Uggh...Do I HAVE to?

I actually have to wake up tomorrow? I have class tomorrow at 8:30, and it's physics of all things. I have 4 classes tomorrow, and it would be 5 if my physics discussion at 3 wasn't cancelled for the week. Blogtv was slow, but it's nice to have people that come back regularly. It makes it more possible to learn about who they are.

Obama was inaugurated today. Bush was SO shitty of a president that all Obama had to do was promise change to be elected president. I hope people realize that the world isn't going to flip upside-down in a matter of days, though, before they start accusing Obama of not keeping his promise of change. After all, bitches be crazy.

I like how the word "bitch" has shifted into encompassing both genders. Don't discriminate! Everyone can be a bitch!

I was watching a video from this guy named Phil, and he was talking about how it takes a collection of blindly loyal followers to become president. And I think this is true because, let's face it, most people are not free-thinkers. Most people just follow the crowd. It's sad, but it's true. Most people don't think independently, so they follow the grain instead. So in order to get a large majority of people, you need to attract these people who just follow the grain.

It's sad but it's true. Why do you think we have political parties? Why don't we live in a world where every person's views are different and based on their own valid thoughts? Because some people aren't independent enough. A lot of people just pick a side and stick with it. It actually pisses me off.

Winter break. What a waste of life. I would say time, but I feel that I just did nothing purposeful. I feel restricted when I'm at home. I can't be myself. But that's basically the mindset of any teenager.

I want to start a project like Wikipedia, except about road conditions. People can post information about road construction, traffic, and common speed traps. They can rate the roads for quality, congestion, and other things.

I also want to start a Youtube project about individuality endeavoring to explain how people define themselves and what makes them an individual. I'm not entirely sure how I want to carry it out yet.

Another thing I want to do is have an online travel show where I take road trips across the U.S.A. in which I can rock out to road trip music, show people random crap I find along the way, show people the awesomeness of traveling, and demonstrate that America isn't just about Disney World and Niagara Falls. It's about the quirks of the people of the places in between.

But I really want to go to a youtube gathering. Everyone there seems to friendly and acceptive. Not to mention inspirational.

I found a roadgeek website. It was awesome to find something that actually acknowledges the existence of map guys like me. The thing is, it's run by a guy aliased as mapguy. That was my idea first. Or at least it was my idea to use it as a title as in "paul the map guy."

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