Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jesus balls! Today was insane. Club 10 decided we wanted to go shopping. (Club 10 is my group of friends here in my dorm hall in college.) So we rounded up a bunch of people and waited outside for the bus to come. The only problem was, the fucking bus didn't show up. Yay -_-. It was supposed to come between 1:59 and 2:05. We said "screw it" eventually, and gave up. This was Ryan, Amanda, Sam, Bill, Steve, Mike, Kyle, and me. So we started to walk back to the dormitory when we got the idea to go to Marketplace Mall instead (that's actually the name of imaginative). But Mike, Ryan, and Steve were already gone. We pretty much left without them, but they had Halo 3 they wanted to play anyways. So we were off! And as SOON as we decided to walk the other direction, the bus we were going to take drove by, 5 to 8 minutes late. Great job, MTD. The 5 of us that were left got on the 20N Red bus to the mall. We walked around, observed some pretty strange people, and bought a few things among all of us. Then we got on the 20Nred again and went to Meijer. This was probably more fun than the mall anyway, because we tried on stupid sunglasses, got our blood pressure taken, and played with the toys in the sporting goods section. You know those things that are like skateboards but only have two wheels (Ripstiks or something)? Sam and I tried to use one and almost bit it-- they are SO hard to use. I could NOT get the hang of it.

Then we came back. Once again, the bus was 5 to 8 minutes late. Do they TRY for this effect?

Anyway, we got on the 100S yellow bus and passed the mall, where a FUCK-ton of people get on. It was insane. They couldn't fit all of the people on the bus, and were forced to call up and order another to the location. Even so, the bus we were on was packed. I felt like we were in Japan and some guy had to take a big wall-on-a-stick and pack us in the bus. There was a loud trashy black guy in the back talking shit. I would call him African American, but idk, being politically correct about this guy just wouldn't seem politically correct, because he wasn't politically correct himself. Just like I would call stupid white people white trash. Except this guy wasn't white.

Then this huge guy (I would guess 290 lbs) with a limp and perpetually pursed lips came on the bus and sat next to me. And by "next to me" I mean "half-on top of me." I looked to my left in my double-seat and saw a giant ass. A giant ass that was inching in my direction. I stared, praying it wouldn't land on me. But it did; at least it sort of did. He eventually scooted somewhat out of my personal bubble. At least he had a heart.

Then we got off the bus and took the 22N back home. Yippee.

But that's not all! Call now and you can get a SECOND sham-wow ABSOLUTELY.....
ok sorry. But that's really not all. We came back and decided we wanted to eat something. We also ran into Meagan, who was interested in food as well. So we went to this coffee/sandwich shop that Bill suggested to us. It was a good place. There was even loud music. The only problem was, the musicians didn't realize that there's a difference between how much sound a concert hall can hold and the amount of sound a small coffee shop can hold. The elementary-school-age girls in front of us were holding their ears, and whenever the musicians started a new song, the first note was always so loud that the girls jumped a little when they heard it.

If that wasn't enough, Meagan Kyle and I got snow from outside and threw snowballs at a few people's doors, because we couldn't find anyone to peg. Dave, Meagan, and I tried to get into the music room but we couldn't because it was occupied. So Club 10 ended up playing cards and pool in the lounge. You get by with what you can.

And now I'm going to sleep because it is ass-late. Good night!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Today was a pretty chill day. Had one class, and it was CS lab (EASY AS HAIYULL); Had some laughs with Club 10 at meals, worked a little bit on the game, played a little Halo with my low level of experience for a while, and played cards with Zac, Dave, and Stephanie. And by "played cards" I mean try to play Euchre while 3 Lewis Black specials played intermittently. I like Lewis Black because he reminds you that it's important to have a sense of humor when your government has been run by a retarded chimp and a dick with ears for the past sixteen years.

I made a new video about why I like Youtube so much.

Zexi called me today. It was nice; I hope to talk to him fo' rizzle tomorrow.

I found the poster on Sxephil's wall at the poster sale yesterday. I decided to pass on that one, and I purchased one of Flight of the Conchords instead.

Haha, Black Mesa is actually the name of a place on the west end of the Oklahoma panhandle. It's actually the highest point in Oklahoma.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I would be going to sleep, but someone next door decided to take a midnight shower. But that's okay, I'll update you guys instead.

Highlights of my day:

Got to talk to olgakay on the phone during her live show on Blogtv. It was pretty awesome. What was even more awesome is that she wanted me to call her. It was SHE who suggested that I call her- it wasn't my initiative. It feels good to be noticed! Call me an attention whore, but you know you'd love it too.

I went to Tay Zonday's live show also on blogtv and asked him in a text comment (about 6 times before he got to read it b/c the chat was moving so fast) if he really went to IMSA. He said "Yes, for my Sophomore year of high school." So there! Tay Zonday went to my high school! HAHAHA!

On a less exciting note, I did laundry today. A shitload of laundry. Two jam-packed washers full. In fact, when I loaded the clothes into two dryers, someone from the front desk called me to let me know that they had to shut one of the dryers down because it almost caught on fire! I had to split the clothes up so they were in THREE dryers then.

I drew a new drawing thing to keep track of my state quarter collection for my walls today. I divided the 11x17" paper into 50 sections and drew the outline of each of the 50 states from memory, then with the state name and the circular tracing around a quarter. I tape the state quarters I find to the circles. Yep. Paul the map guy strikes again! XP

I've had "Won't Get Fooled Again" stuck in my head all day, especially the organ/synth-type part that's at the very beginning. And, since I went to the room belonging to my friends Zac and Dave, I've had Saturday in the Park by Chicago stuck in my head. I never realized how awesome Chicago is.

I need to get cracking on the RPG I'm making about my friends. I want to finish Part 1 by Jan 31. We'll see how that goes. Part 2 will hopefully be done only a couple weeks after. Part 3 is at ISU, Part 4 is on the moon, and if there is a part in Bill's dream world, it'll be Part 5 and Scotland will be Part 6. If not, Scotland will be Part 5. The last part (6 or 7) will be the final boss fight, with the Dark Lord of Fear.

I has one class tomorrow, from 9-11, so I still have to wake up. I hope I can get myself to work on the RPG all afternoon tomorrow, seeing as I don't start teachin' the chilluns (volunteering at the elementary school) until next week.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Uggh...Do I HAVE to?

I actually have to wake up tomorrow? I have class tomorrow at 8:30, and it's physics of all things. I have 4 classes tomorrow, and it would be 5 if my physics discussion at 3 wasn't cancelled for the week. Blogtv was slow, but it's nice to have people that come back regularly. It makes it more possible to learn about who they are.

Obama was inaugurated today. Bush was SO shitty of a president that all Obama had to do was promise change to be elected president. I hope people realize that the world isn't going to flip upside-down in a matter of days, though, before they start accusing Obama of not keeping his promise of change. After all, bitches be crazy.

I like how the word "bitch" has shifted into encompassing both genders. Don't discriminate! Everyone can be a bitch!

I was watching a video from this guy named Phil, and he was talking about how it takes a collection of blindly loyal followers to become president. And I think this is true because, let's face it, most people are not free-thinkers. Most people just follow the crowd. It's sad, but it's true. Most people don't think independently, so they follow the grain instead. So in order to get a large majority of people, you need to attract these people who just follow the grain.

It's sad but it's true. Why do you think we have political parties? Why don't we live in a world where every person's views are different and based on their own valid thoughts? Because some people aren't independent enough. A lot of people just pick a side and stick with it. It actually pisses me off.

Winter break. What a waste of life. I would say time, but I feel that I just did nothing purposeful. I feel restricted when I'm at home. I can't be myself. But that's basically the mindset of any teenager.

I want to start a project like Wikipedia, except about road conditions. People can post information about road construction, traffic, and common speed traps. They can rate the roads for quality, congestion, and other things.

I also want to start a Youtube project about individuality endeavoring to explain how people define themselves and what makes them an individual. I'm not entirely sure how I want to carry it out yet.

Another thing I want to do is have an online travel show where I take road trips across the U.S.A. in which I can rock out to road trip music, show people random crap I find along the way, show people the awesomeness of traveling, and demonstrate that America isn't just about Disney World and Niagara Falls. It's about the quirks of the people of the places in between.

But I really want to go to a youtube gathering. Everyone there seems to friendly and acceptive. Not to mention inspirational.

I found a roadgeek website. It was awesome to find something that actually acknowledges the existence of map guys like me. The thing is, it's run by a guy aliased as mapguy. That was my idea first. Or at least it was my idea to use it as a title as in "paul the map guy."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Do I really need to point out how much of an ignorant asshole this guy is?

"Well dumbass anywhere is the time or the place as its america and my first amendment right protects my freedom of speech dipshit...secondly sexuality, and race are polar opposites ask a real black man, he'll tell you the same thirdly REAL america the ones that wouldn't run and hide if attacked the ALPHA MALES and ALPHA WOMEN dont accept that homosexuality is OK because its not and it never will be so no matter where or when ill have my opinions known as I am a MAN and I know it! So take your liberalistic secular humanistic bullshit and stick it where the sun dont shine!"

Before you read anything below, remember this: It is always okay to change the way you look at things in the world, and it is NOT a bad thing to learn.
1) First of all, if you're going to present an argument, you probably shouldn't be enough of a pansy to block the comments from the person you're arguing with from leaving comments containing potential counterarguments. Just an idea.
2) I'm using the word "argument" for the sake of simplicity, though this load of bitching at me for presenting my humble opinion defensive of a hateful comment probably should not be technically labeled as an "argument."
3) OK so onto the actual writing. Yes, you have every right to express your opinion, but you also have the freedom to express that you like to kill and eat babies. Does that make it right?
4) How can race and sexuality be polar opposites? That's like saying that loyalty is 17.4 times denser than happiness because that doesn't make sense! And that's probably what a black person will tell you! The POINT I was trying to make apparently went straight over your head, so I'll clarify it for your sake: If you hate gays because they're gay, you are hating someone simply for a trait that they have, and people will agree that this is WRONG. Racism is just like this, because racism is a form of hating someone simply for a trait that they bear, in this case skin color. Hating someone for their sexual orientation is just as bad as hating someone for their skin color, or how big their nose is, or whatever other things you can come up with. Do you get it now?
5) Why are you talking about running and hiding? No one was talking about that! Are you just spouting things you heard from Bill O'Reilly? It's actually pretty funny that you mention running and hiding after you blocked me from responding to your comment!
6) Alpha males and alpha...what? Who gives you the right to say that you're an "alpha male?" And what, are we wolves or something? If you're an "alpha male" then I'm surprised that you even have the intelligence to write an email in halfassed English because you'd be one really intelligent animal!
7) Homosexual men are still men. They each have a penis.
8) On a side note, I'm glad you know that you're a man. I've known since I was a baby that I have a penis... What do you think makes you a man? That you're tough? That you like things like guns and cars and lifting weights and fighting? Well, think about this: these are all stereotypes. You the "man" believe that you are a man because you fit the so-called image that you are "supposed" to be? It's pretty clear that you blindly follow these stereotypes, just as you blindly follow the so-called Conservative notions that surround you.
9) And here's the kicker. Who says that homosexuality is "wrong?" Where did you get that idea? Who told you that? I know you didn't get the idea from thinking about it, because let's face it: you're not a man of thoughts. You just seem to follow. Follow all that's around you and don't come up with a single goddamn thought of your own.
Did you get this idea from the Bible? Do you really think that your God would loathe the existence of gays? Do you really think that he would want you to eliminate their existence? What kind of God is that to believe in? I don't believe in a God who would strike people down just because of some trait they've been born with and have lived with all their lives. There are artifacts and pieces of history that point to the existence of homosexuals in Ancient Greece, even before Christ. Homosexuality has probably been around ever since people have been around, just like people of different color have existed for thousands of years. It's discrimination, and that's that.
10) And since when did being humanistic become a bad thing? Do you even know what that word means? If so, do you really oppose people trying to live happily and successfully? Surely you can't be THAT much of a douchebag.
11) And how could you call me a dumbass? Because I have a different opinion from yours, I am a dumbass? Here's another way you're confused: you seem to confuse your opinions with facts. You see, you aren't always right about everything. This is something most people learn by the time they are 6 years old. I'm not "stupid" because I think differently from you, because your opinions aren't always the right ones, nor are mine or anyone else's. You aren't smarter than me because you believe your opinions. If anything, it's probably the contrary because I think independently and often, and you clearly just follow other people's ideas. But that aside, I hope you really learn that what you're doing is discrimination, that you should not be a coward, and that you should stop listening to the crap ideas around you and start to form real opinions based on your own valid thoughts- because everyone has the power to form their own independent thoughts and opinions, and you are no different. You can do it--start thinking for yourself!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Get shit done.

Go to Australia.
Run a Roadgeek website.
Go on awesome road trips and do so to make youtube videos about my travels. Like an online travel channel but hopefully more entertaining.
Find a girl who is awesome and likes me for me.
Hell, find people in general who are awesome and like me for me, the weird-ass that I am.
Make monies, live in a small place, and be able to save up lots of money for use on epic travels.
Write music that people all over the world have access to.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Roses are red, violets are purple,

Roses are red, violets are blue,
In Soviet Russia, poem writes you!

Roses are red, violets are blue,
I sure love poetry, but rhyming is dumb.

Roses are red, violets are blue,
STD's are contagious so watch who you screw!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This might sound a little weird, but...Can I go back to school now?
Macy's here and we hang out, but other than that I'm serving little to no purpose in life. Can I go do something with my life now? I'm tired of sitting around.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I need to get my ass moving day.

The new year provokes many thoughts about one's life and the direction in which it is moving. As we divide the time in our lives into these divisions called "years" to better keep track of our experiences and accomplishments, we note that we have come to the end of one of these divisions, these chronological categories with which we chronologically classify out achievements. And that leads us in to thinking, "Uhh what exactly did I DO this past year? Was it enough? Did I accomplish every one of the dreams and goals that I'd laid out for myself, or at least a sufficient number of them?"
Now if you're a thinker and a dreamer like me, chances are that the answer is "no." I still want to visit the remaining 28 states I have never set foot in. I want to finish getting my degree. I want to still go on an African safari. I want to do something for the world through which I can prove my worth to humanity, in whatever way this will be, or, in short, I want to fulfill my purpose in life.
Now compare what you've accomplished to what you want to accomplish. Was it enough? Did you come any closer to fulfilling this purpose? Are you still going to have sufficient time and resources to accomplish all of your dreams by the time you won't have the chance to anymore?
I can tell you my answer: And I think this is a commonality with most people. It seems that for a lot of people, the New Year is a time when people say, "Shit! I've gotta get my ass moving!" This, in my opinion, is where the idea of New Year's resolutions comes from- because people are thinking, "Hmm, I was going to accomplish something or improve some facet of my life but I never got around to it. So now, this year, I'm going to focus and get my ass moving."
They should just rename New Year's Day to "I need to get my ass moving" Day.
And while they're at it rename New Year's Eve as "stay up late and get drunk off your ass" Day...but that's off-topic.
So I've got a question for you all. Are you someone who thinks, "I should really get my ass moving" this holiday season? If so, what is it that you want to accomplish in 2009? Leave a comment below, or if you're feeling especially passionate, record a video response.
HAPPY INTGMAM Day everyone, and I will talk to you later! BAHH
Happy new year!
More in-depth entry tomorrow when it's not 4am and I can actually process all of the thoughts that a new year brings, like "shit, another year. Maybe I should actually start doing something with my life."

See you when I wake up.