Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today's feature...STUPID YOUTUBE CRAP!

That's right fellas! I'm talking about stupid youtube crap today! I'm going to share with you all the dumb crap on that site for all of you to enjoy.

I think we've all seen this first one at some point. It's the annoying commercial for the Flea Market in Montgomery, Alabama, with that creepy black dude with the scary, googly eyes.
I've got a funny story about this, actually. I looked for this place on google maps just for shiggles (knowing me, right?), and I found the place! I also found reviews of it. In one of the reviews a shopper reviewed the commercial "catchy" (I'm guessing she was referring to this one). Catchy? Maybe in a hypnotic sort of way, because he repeats the SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER for two minutes. I know the Backstreet Boys and a lot of other late 90's pop artists used hypnosis in their music. Take something catchy, repeat it more than 3 times, and then it's stuck in your head. Why bother buying the CD if you're going to be listening to it in your mind for the week after you hear the song in the first place? I think they should stop worrying about losing money to people pirating their music using the internet--that's probably the REAL reason they didn't make as much money! Actually, if they wrote something that wasn't as goddamn repetitive, people like me would appreciate it more and be even more inclined to purchase it.

ANYWAYS...the second piece of youtube CRAP is this old commercial from a Baltimore car dealer. Zexi showed me it and I cracked up. Ah, the wonders of swearing in different contexts.

This next one is actually a fad. It's the dramatic chipmunk fad. I don't get it. What is so wonderful about a chipmunk turning around with its eyes wide open? I see squirrels who do this in front of my car every week! (No animals were harmed in the making of this ...statement? I guess? =P) Here's a video that puts a lot of versions of the dramatic chipmunk video...Would you even call it a video? Let's call it a clip...it's only like 5 seconds long.

Number four is stupid but hilarious. It's really hilarious. I found this a long time ago. It's time for POTTER PUPPET PALS! It makes me want to laugh and beat myself over the head at the same time. Have at it.

The demented cartoon movie. Clip after clip after stupid crappity-crap-crap. Watch the whole thing just to say that you did and so you can complain to the whole world that you forced yourself to do it and so people can think "wow, you're complaining about it but you were still stupid enough to keep watching it as painful as it was."... orrrr don't.

That's it for now!

And now for an addition to the top-ten list of the best things ever:

Japanese gummi candy.
It tastes like real fruit because it's made from real fruit.
It comes in 11 flavors.
And every flavor is oh-so good.
Go to the Asia supermarket on Naper Blvd. just north of US34, or H-mart, or Chinatown.

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