Sunday, July 20, 2008

I have a HUGE amount of respect of people who keep it real and are bluntly honest, but Katy Perry annoys me. She has a disposition of being "BAD" (does the quotes, Dr. Evil-style). Her image is stupid like any counterculture is stupid--because if you really didn't bear traditional values, you wouldn't feel the need to GO AGAINST THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! What I mean is that whenever these "rebels" (yes, Dr. Evil-style again) say they hate a certain set of values over and over and over, they are merely showing that they cannot imagine living life under any other set of values in the first place. Let's say that some teenager is raised a Christian all of his life and then he decides to get into dark stuff, like wearing an armband with a pentagram in it, going all "goth" and satanic worship. I would see stuff like this in high school and sigh, because all I would see is someone who wants to show how he is different from everyone else, but what he's actually showing is that he can't break away from the very set of values he is claiming to condemn. If you want to be different, then don't do the opposite. Do something different! Not something...opposite!
That's the first thing that gets on my nerves about Katy. I find it hilarious that before her current "bad" (Dr. Evil) side, she was a Christian pop star. Fucking.hilarious.
The other thing is that she's very open about being a naughty, raunchy person in her songs. I've heard that she's actually not a raunchy, blunt person off-set (I'm guessing just a good Christian girl), but her music is just bad and without regret.
HAVE REGRETS. If you make a mistake and you don't regret it, you don't feel bad about it. If you don't feel bad about something then you don't pick up the notion that you might well have done something wrong. If you don't have an inkling that you might have done something wrong, you won't figure out that you made a mistake. And since we learn from our mistakes, you don't learn anything if you don't notice your mistake. If you don't learn anything, you end up being stupid all your life, and the truth is that in the end, PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO REGRETS ARE STUPID.
But if you have regrets, don't dwell on them. Learn your lesson, and get over them. If you dwell on your regrets, you become depressed. If you become depressed, you won't want to go out and experience the world. If you don't experience the world, you won't gain any experience and you won't make mistakes and have triumphs from which you can learn about life. If you don't learn anything, you end up being stupid all your life, and the truth is that in the end, PEOPLE WHO DWELL ON THEIR REGRETS ARE STUPID.

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