Monday, December 29, 2008

Ohhhh bajeebers. What am I to do?

So I'm sitting here in my bed.
Like I have been for the past week or so.
What am I going to do in this town?
The suburbs are so restrictive. You have to drive to go anywhere. If I was back in Chambana I could walk down to Noodles, or walk to get a haircut (I need to do that), or walk down to Green Street and try one of the 7 Asian restaurants within the length of one block (it really exists).

Ohhhh bajeebers. Look at the time.

I haven't been really paying attention to the time. All I know is that I need it to pass. I'd much rather be away from this place.

Ohhhh bajeebers. I need to get out more.

But every day so far with the exception of today, I was unable to go out because it was either a holiday or snowing like mad. I think Mother Nature has been forgetting to take her meds lately. On the day after Christmas, it started to warm up. The day after that, it was 55 degrees with a big rainstorm that dumped about an inch of rain. Mind you, this is December we're talking about. Then, it turned 30 degrees colder.
A week ago, it snowed like mad, and it snowed before that, too. So that's three storm systems in a little over a week.

Today I walked the dogs and worked a bit on the Club 10 game.

Wtf is that?

My friends on the 10th floor in my dorm building (which is basically a tower: 10 floors, and only 6 rooms on each floor) decided to make a club called "Club 10," sort of jokingly. We got our other friends on the top half of the "tower" in on it too. So a bunch of us got together one night and stayed up until 3 AM laughing our asses of trying to come up with phrases and events in the game, like "Bill uses disguise. Dave asks Bill if he's seen Bill," and "Meagan uses preposterone. Meagan grows beard. Enemy is now confused." There were a ton of other ones based on inside jokes that you all wouldn't understand. But believe me, I hadn't laughed so much in such a long time. Probably since we saw the performance of the Second City comedy troupe in September (this was December).

Thoughts. People should have them.

Paul: NOOOO! Care about things! Don't stop caring about things!
Zexi: Lmao.

So for Christmas I got a new phone, a watch with a built-in flash drive (that's weird, right? In a good way.), and a bunch of clothes that I specifically mentioned I didn't want. It all had some branding of the University of Illinois on it. I'm extremely individualist and I don't like to identify myself as part of a group.

Why am I still awake?

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