Monday, December 1, 2008

I shouldn't.
Ahhhh....but I should.
What's up guys. I just can't keep up with this regular youtube stuff. I've just now finished my homework for tomorrow, just in time for the new opportunity to say I had finished it for today. In other words, it's right around midnight. But this is what I get for putting it all off over Thanksgiving break, over which I did next to nothing. I am really glad I got to see a lot of my friends from high school then, though! Hoorayayayayayayayayazns.
I really enjoy people who have things going for them and actually have the drive to achieve in life, unlike the Hedonists in this world. There's more to life than self-pleasure. There is also serving a purpose.
I just don't understand how some people can be satisfied without contributing to the good of all society. And it may sound like I'm talking about stuff that a superhero would do. But I'm not.
People all contribute a small bit to the mix. You don't have to be a celebrity. But everyone does something! It's just a good thing to continually think about what it is you are contributing- how are you being productive.
My bed here is so much more comfortable than the one at home. The one at home has an older, harder, mattress.

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