Saturday, September 6, 2008

So now that I'm settled in at college pretty well, I can move back to talking about pertinent stuff other than this new college situation.

So the Krannert Center parking garage is the BEST place to play capture the flag EVER. Not even the best video game designers can come up with an environment this good.
I'm saying this because a bunch of people from Hendrick House all got together to play capture the flag there and it was AWESOME...except for the fact that there were so many people on the other team puppy-guarding that we couldn't get anywhere, but hey, that still leaves 99% awesomeness.

What the fuck was McCain thinking? Sarah Palin? I think we all know that the only reason she was picked is because she has a vagina, so McCain can "make history." Is THAT what's really important though? What about the welfare of our nation? Does he care at all?

His picking Palin for VP candidate is SOLID proof that he wants to get elected more than he wants someone qualified to help lead this country. Greedy much? I was more like 70% in favor for Obama it's definitely somewhere in the nineties.

My next video is going to feature this, and the basic idea of that is, who tf is Palin, and why tf is politics heading straight for the shitter?

Hendrick House's dinner hours end at 6 on weekends...and I found this out the hard way today.
Are you fucking kidding. Most people don't even BEGIN to eat dinner until after 6.
Who came up with these?
I'm starting to go to the HH government meetings. I've already found three things that need to change, the dinner hours being the first.
The second is the fucking construction that goes on at 6AM. I thought that this place was supposed to have a strict noise policy?
And the third is the music room. I can never get in there.
Another gripe I have are about the staff in general. They're all lemmings. They do what they are told and nothing else, and that bugs the hell out of me. The one dude wouldn't let me in the music room because he didn't know if he was supposed to, when there was no apparent reason why he wouldn't be able to. I arrived at dinner at 5:58 when it closes at 6:00, and the door was closed and the girl wouldn't let me in. I was one of about seven people at the door trying to get in.
And then, she said it.
The phrase that pisses me off SO much.
"I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."
That means that she was incapable of deviating from what she was told to do, even if what she was doing was wrong. If she was a German in 1939, she probably would have agreed to go along with the Nazis.
She could have said instead, "I'm not the boss, I'm just a lackey."
An incompetent lackey, too. She closed the door 5 minutes early. I wasn't the only one telling her, either.

There are two ways to go about this. Either you follow policies with no exceptions, or you use your brain to find a possible solution.
I guess some don't have a lot of brain activity.

Today I played rollercoaster tycoon and jammed with Harshith, my roommate. It was pretty cool. The jamming, not the gaming. The gaming hurt my eyes. Damn, that game is addicting.

I need to rest my eyes. And the rest of my body, for that matter. I have a sore throat and my nose is producing snot bombs. My nose is fine, now. But every hour or two, an amount of stuff with the volume of a small grape comes out. Ew, enough of that!

Good night!

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