Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am announcing that I want to start getting back into Youtube videos to an extent. I want to make more thoughtful videos, partially because I've found that the vlog style of Youtube channel isn't working so well for me. I think so much that I feel like it would be a waste not to share much of it with other people.

This is why I love the internet. If you have something to say, you can use the internet as your voice, and millions of people will have access to it. If they like what you have to say, they can come back for more; if they don't, they can go do something else.

I am a person who pretty much always has something to say, and who definitely always has something on his mind. I plan on sharing these things, because it's not fair that, at this point, I'm the only one who gets to hear them. I'm not saying that everyone else will want to hear them, but I'm sure there is some small fraction of the populace who will care enough to listen. Why should I deprive them of what I have to say?

I hope you feel the same way I do. I hope you feel like you have something to bring to the table, and that you feel like there are things you can create that people will appreciate. Because there are. We all have different things we can share with the world that people will appreciate. If there wasn't, what would be the point?

All people have an underlying desire to be appreciated. We want to do something positive and know that we did. That's why the internet is ridden with people who are always trying to share this or that, from long well-crafted films posted on Youtube to mundane thoughts posted on twitter. I have a lot of thoughts to express, and I'm going to use Youtube to express them.

I'll have a channel where I express these thoughts, and a secondary channel that's more of a personal journal, a "vlog channel". I'll let you know how I set this up later.

P.S. I swear to GOD my dad snores louder than the noise made by household vacuum cleaners.

Currently listening to "Your Dogs" by Ben Folds (of course)

That's another thing--I'm in the midst of a massive Ben Folds phase. I usually get into musical artists in phases; I obsess over them one at a time. Previous obsessions include Jamiroquai, Flight of the Conchords, and Imogen. But this Ben Folds phase is by far the most potent. He's my favorite musical artist, hands down. I just went to one of his shows in Chicago a month and a half ago, and I'm contemplating going to his upcoming venue in Champaign on January 25. This indicates a much greater passion than I've had for any other musician, since I had never been to a rock show before that Chicago concert.


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