Friday, January 1, 2010

2009. What a Load of Bullshit

Whether it comes to the news or personal experience, 2009 was a year of demented retarded bullshit: sick, twisted occurrences happening in place of what I felt should have been dreams coming true.
The media once again chooses to worry about stupid shit when important things are happening at the time.
A friend with conservative quiet roots manages to get knocked up.
Someone I considered my best friend makes a rash life decision without even telling me.
Some family decides to create a scene as if their kid is in a giant opaque (so you can't see inside) balloon when he really isn't, and has the media lie to thousands.
I learned that getting together with someone from the internet is probably not a good idea, when you learn that the person relies on the internet for social interaction almost entirely--because that signifies a PROBLEM.
And much, much more.
2009, suck my dick. 2010, you better not fuck up that bad.

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