Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm not sure how legitimate it is to make the judgment that getting an amount of sleep divisible by three hours is the best way to wake up refreshed and feeling positive. All I know is that my average night of sleep isn't going to yield such an amount of time sleeping unless I cut it down to a flimsy six hours. At this point, I have to stay up until 2AM for that to work, because I wake up at 8AM. I may be able to pull this off because me roommate is absent at the moment. FOR THE GOOD OF SCIENCE I WILL PARTAKE IN THIS EXPERIMENT! Getting to know my sleeping tendencies is always a good thing so I can make healthy decisions in the future.

So yes, mom, I am actually trying to convince you that I am making myself healthier by staying up later. XD

This weekend I went to an opera. It was a new experience. I learned that Mozart operas are a lot like Linkin Park. The intensity is high, but it's ALWAYS HIGH; MONOTONOUSLY HIGH. And thus, even though it's stimulating and involved, it's BORING. And ALL THEIR SONGS SOUND THE SAME. It gets old after about 15 minutes (or 15 seconds with Linkin Park).

Other things I did: Watch a movie, play Age of Empires 2, and spend over 2 hours straight in the piano room. In doing that last one, I started figuring out a third Imogen Heap song by ear, "The Walk." I had already figured out "Hide and Seek" and "Come Here Boy."

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